2012年8月29日 星期三

102流量銀行 免費互助型流量交換網站 從我這加入可馬上得到200點喔












2012年8月24日 星期五



“男の短パン”ブーム到来? 「格好良い人が着ていても嫌」女ウケは最悪

    “男の短パン”ブーム到来? 「格好良い人が着ていても嫌」女ウケは最悪

長く寒い冬もようやく終わりが近づいてきました。各女性誌ははやくも初夏のファッションを紹介。そろそろボディのお手入れに本腰を入れないとですね。暖かくなってきて肌の露出が増えるのは何も女性だけではありません! 今年の春夏は男性に“短パン”ブームが近づいている様なのです。
何でも、「POPEYE」が提案するこの「短パンDAYS」、“膝上10cm丈で膝を見せたい!”がキャッチフレーズらしく、誌面でも「膝見せショーツ BEST PICKS 6」として男性モデルがこれでもかと膝を露出しています。

2012年8月19日 星期日


涉及旁氏騙局(老鼠會)詐騙 全球第一大網賺 Zeek Rewards 遭關閉

涉老鼠會詐騙 Zeek Rewards網站遭封

(記者程果兒/洛杉磯報導)最近開始在華人社區流行的「貼廣告月入上千美金」的Zeek Rewards網站,昨天突然遭到美國證監會(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)查封調查,懷疑該網站涉嫌龐氏詐騙、老鼠會多層行銷,再透過網絡進行詐騙。


Zeekler.com和Zeek Rewards最初是一個拍賣網站,近年來開始向更多人吸金,打出「簡單貼廣告獲取現金回饋」的口號,每天幫Zeekler在Craigslist、usnetads等廣告網站貼出拍賣廣告,就可以每月賺到數百上千美元收入。



目前洛杉磯華人社區已陸續有不少人投錢進去,少則一千,多則上萬美元,昨天有民眾爆料,稱Zeekler.com和ZeekRewards.com突然都無法進入,隨即傳出美國證監會(SEC)已查封位於北卡羅來納州的Zeekler總公司,公司老闆Paul Burks也被逮捕調查,讓已投資的華人民眾大為震驚。


SEC執法部門總監Stephen Cohen說,Zeekler向投資者承諾的分紅總數,遠遠超過公司目前所擁有的資產,Zeekler目前是利用新投資人的錢來向老投資者支付短期回報,以製造賺錢的假象,進而騙取更多投資。爲了防止更多人上當,SEC才緊急查封該公司,停止網站。








2012年8月13日 星期一

殺死美少年做成肉塊賣的德國人 佛利茲.哈爾曼




2012年8月11日 星期六




簡單 中文介面 有中文客服 成交快 大約只要五分鐘 每週分紅,16週後,每週大約有40美金以上,一次可買多單。

バレー女子、韓国破り銅 日本、28年ぶりのメダル



レスリング女子 吉田「あこがれの人」超えた3連覇

レスリング女子 吉田「あこがれの人」超えた3連覇

2012.8.11 08:16

W4A 公認穩定高回報的網賺之一 透過我加入反佣50%給你





成為我下線的話,因為你所產生的佣金,我都跟你分享一半!讓你賺更多,也更快回本喔! 有任何問題都可以來問我,會全力幫忙下線的!讓你的賺錢之路更平順!



2.儲值$10.7美金升級:註冊後,你要 儲值$10美金(另外加7%手續費)升級會員才能開始購買TAP單位!


4.設定專屬金流系統:W4A擁有專屬的國際企業專屬金流系統I-Payout系統。所以必須更新會員資料(Account Profile)後,設定專屬I-Payout金流帳號連動!


6.等待每10天循環:每一個Tap都會循環12次,前面6次(Cycle1~Cycle6獎金為50%),後面6次(Cycle7~Cycle12獎金為25%)。(**獎金請參考:三、費用與獎金說 明)

7.學習語言與增加專業:每週都會有線上訓練,針對電腦操作、網路行銷訓練..等等,因為都是英文現場線上教學,如果有空參與的話,可以當作英文學習與專業互動教學! 另外有成立專屬國際Skype聊天室,你可以加這位 國際團隊管理員 Stan(SKYPE ID: sheltane)請他幫你加入聊天室即可


2012年8月8日 星期三

智線網 Witlines 紅利、獎金試算圖



What is HYIP investments (high-profit venture capital)

What is HYIP investments (high-profit venture capital)

The HYIP basis of knowledge and Operations Guide
PS: the site does not introduce any HYIP, superior pole network with the the JBP there WITLINES Chi-line network are robust Wangzhuan by its superior pole network, so only this article for your reference only! I low endurance, and dare not touch do not know the day will be a sudden collapse of the hyip!

HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) is a high-profit investment program, and some on a daily basis to interest rates, and some to the interest rate on a weekly basis, and some to the monthly interest rate. To the interest of most of the HYIP program is very attractive, can simply be used to tease the real world bank. But to know HYIP high returns mean high risk, you must be aware of.

For example: a HYIP project claim that if you invest $ 10, after a day to your anti-$ 3, and even back to four days, the total rebate to $ 12 (that is, three days 20%). A day to give you daily payment of two percent interest, 100 days of continuous payments, if you invested $ 100, then eventually you will receive $ 200 back section, which is HYIP project. Some people may ask, why HYIP owners to do the money-losing proposition? Those HYIP owners are mostly claimed to be raising funds to its members after the members' deposits for the international foreign exchange, oil, gold futures, the IT, software, and other market bubbling, and profitable, a portion of the profits returned to members of the investment In fact, this is mostly just a cover of the HYIP stops the truth is that people and money than a HYIP project began saving money to HYIP owners withdrawals or money, the HYIP owners on a daily or weekly to your normal payment, once a certain period of time the amount of withdrawals is significantly more than the deposit amount, the HYIP owners will close the site to leave. This is the high profits of the HYIP HYIP high risk in the charm.

   If you are good to be good at grasping the skill out of the HYIP station, you will be a successful HYIP investors, of course, a good HYIP investment strategy is also very important, remember to never put all your eggs in one basket, never invest in the amount you afford to lose, because that is a HYIP venture capital, risks and profits forever, but by rational choice and good investment strategies, we can risk to a minimum.

   In this article, I decided to talk about the idea of ​​on the HYIP will bring you the amount of revenue for beginners. Here you see no clear instructions and recommendations. But I hope that these statements and recommendations to help you gain the necessary knowledge. This allows you to success in this complex in the HYIP business. Here you see no theoretical or essence. Only from my personal experience, practical advice.

Before you begin, let us consider: the hyip in the end it is appropriate to make money for you?

HYIP-not for you, if you have the following idea:
A. You really value your money, fear of losing them, even if it lost a dollar will go crazy.
If this is the case, you might as well put your money deposited into bank. So you can get long-term and stable interest rate environment is not very high income, but do not have to worry about your hard-earned money will not fall out. Remember: no stable HYIP project. Only some open longer, some relatively early closing it.
Two. You do not have a minimum number of investment (at least 10 $ -100 $ or the equivalent in RMB)
As you know, money begets money. If you do not have money, you get nothing. If there is no money to leave to go to work. HYIP is not a magic allows you to give birth to the money.
Your nerves are very fragile
If this is the case, not only HYIP, you should not touch other risky projects. Otherwise, the endless insomnia will stop bothering you, if you are a natural mood swings, consider things without thinking, HYIP is not suitable for you. Because there may be in the first month because of your wrong decision and make you lose everything.
4 Do you like your mistakes attributed to someone else
If you made a wrong decision, in addition to yourself, and you complain about any of the people and things around you. So you should not touch the hyip. Remember that you are the only people responsible for their decision, all the fault is causing you. If you have lost in HYIP - and you are the only wrong. The site itself is unpredictable, you greedy, think different from someone else's idea of ​​making a mistake. Remember that no one of you to the embrace of the liar, you are willing to giving the liar.

HYIP-right for you, if you have the following idea:
A. You are a man of great self-confidence, willing to take risks
If your life of faith is "the only experienced storms you can be successful", and you are ready to assume an acceptable risk, then the HYIP is a good place for you to make money. HYIP as a group are willing to spend their last dollar to make the bet, or become a millionaire, or nothing.
You have a good intuition and common sense
Many HYIP forums, you'll see a lot of projects proposed and discussed. But classified with the pick end of or rely on your own analysis. In the basis of their experience, you should be up analysis of the direction of this project, rather than too much reliance on the recommendations of others. If someone has been speaking to you how how good you have to remain sober and do the decision on your own.
3 Are you ready for their own mistakes to pay the price and learn a lesson.
HYIP is not as one who have lost the first time throwing things after very difficult to make a mistake. HYIP is only suitable for those brave people can continue to adhere to recognize their losses and undergoes a series of losses to sum up. And then prepare for the next success. A courageous attitude to make up the loss back to double your money.

HYIP basics: how to get started?

HYIP's life cycle:
A project's life cycle is generally divided into the following phases:
Phase 1: A project has just started to pay all, very happy for all investors. At this time a lot of capital inflows. This time almost no withdrawals necessary. Because the majority of members will increase investment to rejoin their interest. This is to enter a new item is the most common things. However, you may also be in danger here. If the project site produced very sophisticated and a lot of advertising. At this time a lot of capital inflows may generate risks, lead to rapid closure of the site. Because the administrator will choose absconding with money instead of the money paid to the member. This situation can view project statistics. If this project is very new, but the statistics have been a lot of money. This shows that these data were not the owners forged the project to be finished.
Stage 2: If the beginning, when no funds rapid inflow. HYIP will continue to pay to you for a relatively long time. This is the most stable stage of the project: The project is growing, and a gradual increase in deposits, only a small amount of the withdrawal demand. However, over time, demand for withdrawals will be more and more. At the same time, the new capital to maintain a stable inflow. Once the number of withdrawal needs to reach or close to the number of new funds, a crisis, the project to the zenith, in the case of 99% which means that the end of the project. Administrators began to close the project. Only money but not paying.
Stage 3: If the project is spent above the storm and continue to run when there are two cases possible: you may come into contact is a real the HYIP risk investment projects (with a few on the Internet), or received a number of commercial fraud (false statistics, including the new advertising program, the promise of attractive profits. the announcement of the switch to private plans, all this just to lie to the old members to vote more money) in this case, this means that the project had to die, if you have no loss, as soon as possible to put your money taken out is a good idea.
Special case: a very special environment, we can be called: special circumstances. For example, a project site has been hacker attacks, or there is a DDOS attack. In most cases, the panic-stricken investors will require a large number of withdrawals. This will generally lead to the collapse of the project.

Before we make the investment to start, for what?

First, the trade-off of the mailbox is first and foremost, it is recommended that the use of foreign mailbox, you can choose: Hotmail / gmail / yahoo China / 126.com (larger capacity can be used), etc.

Second, the choice of browser can also choose to use IE to Firefox

Third, the Internet banking E-gold, E-bullion, LibertyReserve, Pecunix, you can apply for 3-5. An online banking a dedicated Email! All of your account password is not the same! The proposed number of passwords to the letter, the more complex the better! (P.S do not forget)

Above all the Wangzhuan most fundamental basis, the following will focus on the basis of the initial knowledge of HYIP

Several pay means the difference between:

1, Instant that you click on the billing button immediately after arrive arrive immediately after the (fast billing)
2, Automatic reach the payment terms, you do not need to request for payment, the owners will be automatically paid to you (this is the easiest and fastest)
3, Manual to reach the terms of payment after you request payment, the owners manual will pay the slowest to you (payment)

Payment time limit:
Hours and business hours, the former refers to the hours which means the working hours. For example, day 24 hours is 8 hours. If paid within 24 hours "that is paid within 24 hours, if paid" within 24 business hours within 24 hours of work, that is, within 3 days of payment, where the need to look at, so as not to cause necessary to misunderstandings and loss.
Day and business day (trading day), and week one former days, a person who refers to working days, the latter refers to the week week, for example, one week week is seven days, but only five working days, Saturday and Sunday is not a business day. Said the pay site business day, week 6,7 do not pay, saying it was a week pay is paid once instead of every day to pay a week.
3, minimum cashout refers to the smallest limit of the amount paid, such as minimum payment of $ 10 or $ 0.01
4, to distinguish for or after in HYIP often see 22-28% daily for 5 days ,150-250% after 10 days, what is the difference between them? every day to pay for said: For example, 22-28% daily for 5 days to pay 22-28% daily, paid a total of five days; while after, said a few days after the payment: for example, the 150-250% after 10 days 10 days after the one-time you pay 150-250%.

Reproduced in the silver bullet network hightiger

5 Facts to Know About Superfood Supplements

5 Facts to Know About Superfood Supplements

By Rocky C Rhodes

Now more than ever more and more people are placing emphasis on making their diets more natural. The typical American diet consists of excessive amounts of sugar, breads, and starches. Junk foods that quickly turn to fat within the body, and lack the vitamins and minerals we need to regulate the body's systems. With the re-adoption of mankind's earliest dietary habits as promoted by new fads like the "Paleo" diet, many people are changing their diets to get more of the nutrients our bodies really need. By foregoing sugars, nutrient-poor carbohydrates, and starches, and adding daily superfood supplements to your diet, you can dramatically improve your health and experience greater energy all day long.

'Superfood' is largely a marketing term, but lives up to its claims.

'Superfood' is a largely unscientific marketing term used to describe naturally grown foods with high nutrient and phytochemical content. These foods have earned this moniker because they have proven to be extremely healthy for humans, containing many of the vital nutrients we need to function properly every day. A great example is the blueberry, which contains rich concentrations of vitamin C, manganese, fiber and free radicals to combat cell oxidation. Blueberries provide all of these essential nutrients, but have a low-calorie content, meaning you get more healthy fuel without the burden of having to burn off the calories. Other choices include spinach, broccoli, and pumpkin.

Supplements can help with digestion

Regularly using a plant sourced supplement for your superfood intake means that you get more of the fuel your body needs at a lower energy cost. Your body quickly absorbs the nutrients, with minimal processing needed from the digestive system. Many supplements even include pre- and probiotics to encourage the development and growth of your gut's microflora. As a result, your body's digestion and nutrient absorption becomes more efficient. This leads many people to report greater mental clarity and focus, and sounder sleep at night after adopting regular supplementation into their diets.

A rich source of antioxidants

Additionally, most super-foods are high in essential fatty acids Omega 6 and Omega 9. These help regulate cholesterol and provide your body with a rich source of antioxidants. In fact, these supplements have been shown to contain an antioxidant content thirty-three times greater than a glass of red wine. Antioxidants help rid your body of illness and disease by preventing the production of free radicals that can damage or destroy your body's cells through a harmful oxidation process.

Implementing superfoods can be enjoyable

Whether you want to lose weight, get healthier, or simply maintain a healthier diet, introducing superfoods to your daily routine does not have to be a chore. In fact, many people quickly come to find that there is no better way to start the day than with a superfood energy smoothie. Use a scoop of superfood supplement, as well as a protein supplement along with some of your favorite fruits, vegetables and juices in a blender. Blend on high for thirty seconds and you will have a huge dose of your body's most needed vitamins and minerals that you can take with you as you head out the door to work.

Perfect for Vegans

Most supplements you can find are entirely vegan, and are a great way to get a daily dose of vitamins and nutrients that is completely free of animal products. Look for a supplement that also contains Spirulina to make sure you get enough protein, and you can make vegan protein smoothies a standard part of your morning routine.

How to Design Your Leaflets for Maximum Effect

How to Design Your Leaflets for Maximum Effect

By Louis Ayre

The design of your leaflets is one of the most important parts of your leafleting campaign as this is the part which must not only attract the customer's attention but also sell your product or service. In this article I will be going through the best ways to get the maximum return on investment from your leaflets.

First things first, decide on your colour scheme. You can find many websites on line which give you a list of good colour schemes. Although you want your leaflets to stand out this does mean you have to use a load of bright colours as it will just look tacky and unprofessional. If your shop/website already has a brand/colour scheme then be sure to use it on your leaflets as the consistency of the colour scheme/brand will look more professional from a customer's point of view.

The next step is deciding what is going to be at the top of your leaflets, many companies think it's best to put your logo at the top of your leaflets, wrong. Remember you have only a few seconds to grab the attention of your readers, therefore it's better to have your offer at the top something like "Two pizzas for £10" is much more likely to grab their attention than "123 Top Pizza". In the current economic climate everyone is looking to scrimp and save a little so be sure to offer a good deal/offer that will save them money.

Ok, so now you've got your colour scheme and header sorted, now you need to decide what's going to go in the body of your leaflet. It's good to have a picture of your product here or maybe a picture of your shop, but make sure it's not going to attract the viewer's attention away from the important bits, therefore have your picture in the background with text over the top can work well.

Now all that is sorted all you need now is a footer. This is where your 'call to action' and contact details should be. You need to tell your readers what to do next for example you could say "Call now to order your pizza on... " The final part of your leaflet should be your company details and logo, remember this does not need to be eye catching so subtle font is suitable as anyone who is interested in your services will automatically look for the contact details.

How a Direct Marketing Mailing List Can Help Your Business

How a Direct Marketing Mailing List Can Help Your Business

By Chris J Burns

A direct marketing mailing list consists of the contact information of potential sales leads. The use of a direct marketing mailing list has become more and more popular these days. The fact is that more companies are beginning to look towards this method as a means of generating sales leads for their businesses. This article shows you how a direct marketing mailing list can help your business.

A direct marketing mailing list allows your business to have greater capability in generating sales leads. Such a list allows you to be able to promote your products to others relatively easily and efficiently. This is extremely important for start-up companies, as often, these companies have yet to establish a firm footing in the market. Given this, a direct marketing mailing list would allow you to raise awareness to a potential customer base, on the various types of products and services which you are offering. For instance, you could send out promotional mailers to the addresses of people in your list, to raise awareness on the products and services which you are offering. In either case, exposing a greater part of the general public to the products and services that your company is offering would definitely result in potentially greater sales volume.

In addition, a direct marketing mailing list would enable you to provide updates to your customers on any new products or services which you may be offering. Launched a new line of products recently? Restructured your business? Let people know! It would simply not do for people to come enquiring about a discontinued product from time to time. Instead, keep your customers in the loop by letting them know what is your company doing. Awareness of the latest products that your company is offering would mean business when customers have the need for such a product.

Moreover, most direct marketing mailing lists provide by list companies would often consist of individuals who are more likely to make purchases. This means that your return on investment would be potentially higher. What is referred to here by definition of investment would include factors such as printing your mailers and getting people to do the mailing jobs for you. In essence, it's all the costs associated with the marketing campaign itself. In most cases, listing companies employ a wide variety of selection criteria before placing a particular individual's name down onto the direct marketing mailing list.

Finally, the use of a direct marketing mailing list as a method of marketing is something relatively cheap as compared to other means of marketing such as advertising. Given that costs are lower; this means that business owners would be able to conduct more frequent marketing campaigns in order to increase sales volume.

Indeed, there are many ways how a direct marketing mailing list can help your business. The methods listed above are by no means exhaustive. However, it is best to constantly evaluate the effectiveness of the actual sales generated from each mailing list in order to obtain a mailing list that provides you with nothing but the best sales leads. Doing so would enable you to score spectacular results in your company's sales drive.

Getting Started With Direct Mail Marketing

Getting Started With Direct Mail Marketing

By Chris Buell

Direct mail marketing is a specific form of marketing where you are able to reach out to your customers directly and allow them to place orders or take advantage of your services by following steps or instructions provided in a mailer. Direct mail marketing might involve mail order catalogs, but it can also involve any type of mailers sent out to the homes of potential customers inviting them to use your services, buy your goods or otherwise get in touch with you to learn more about your business.

Direct mail marketing is a very effective way to introduce yourself to potential customers and to remind existing customers of who you are and why they should do business with you. However, direct mail marketing is not as easy as just sending out a few letters or postcards to customers. In fact, a lot goes into a good direct marketing campaign and in many cases, it pays to work with professionals who can help you with the logistics of the direct mail campaign.

Getting Started with Direct Mail Marketing

The first thing you are going to need to have if you want direct mail marketing to be a success if a great list of names to send out your mailers to. While you can send out your marketing material to existing customers using a database of their addresses that you might have on file, this may not always be the best or only way to engage in direct marketing. After all, the people whose addresses you have in your customer file are already customers and you won't be expanding your market or reaching out to someone new.

Instead of using addresses you have, you may want to define a target market and obtain a customer list or a list of names of people who might be interested in your product. There are many ways to collect names for a direct mail marketing campaign, ranging from allowing people to sign up for newsletters or information using an online website to buying customer lists or doing other types of market research. A company that specializes in direct marketing can usually advise you on how best to get a list of people to send your mailers to.

Of course, once you know who you are sending your marketing to, it is important to make sure that your direct mail campaign is effective. Doing this is a bit more challenging. You will need to know exactly what the target of your campaign is- do you want people to order, come into your store, call you for information or do any number of other things? It is important to decide what your goal is and then come up with a comprehensive plan to create a piece of marketing material that will spur customers on to do what you are asking of them. You will want to make sure this campaign takes into account the needs of your customers and explains how your product or service can fulfill those needs. Again, a direct marketing company may be able to assist you in coming up with a comprehensive plan for direct mail marketing and in printing the material that you create so it looks professional and makes a great first impression.

2012年8月7日 星期二








2012年8月6日 星期一

優極網創辦人傑瑞巴卡(JERRY F. BACA)給所有會員的一封信

優極網創辦人傑瑞巴卡(JERRY F. BACA)給所有會員的一封信

 1. eAdGear 公司剛剛開始試運作,計劃在未來的 2~5 年內,年度公司營業收入達到 2~5 億美元。營業額 50% 來自於公司經營的傳統零售模式的廣告和產品收入,另 50% 來自預售廣告空間和域名等工具的客戶購買產品套裝。在 2~3 年內達到比較均衡的收入來源。會員人數在兩、三年內達到一百萬以上。公司還在研發更多適合中小企業和 SOHO 的產品。 

2. 公司將著手建立和完善財務和其他相關制度,盡快完成公司的結構調整,爭取 3 到 5 年內在紐、香港或中國大陸上市,為此前期的工作必須紮紮實實的開展,做到既快又穩。

3. 公司的運作要做到完全合法,在中國大陸和一些東南亞國家的市場開發過程中,公司和國內著名律師事務所有過非常詳盡的探討,並請他們對公司的製度、產品、運作模式等進行了全面的評估,公司也建立了一整套加強內部運作管理的規章制度,嚴格保障所有運作過程的合法和合理性。同時公司正在積極地做開發北美市場的準備,等到一切就緒就正式啟動北美市場。

4. 公司明確意識到亞洲各國和北美地區的貿易逆差在縮小,預測將來的幾年裡,亞洲和北美地區的貿易將漸趨平衡,不光有大量的遠東商家想進入北美市場,更重要的有大量的北美企業想進入遠東市場,將來幾年裡北美和遠東國家之間的雙邊貿易將帶來巨大的商機。因此公司的經營理念和宗旨是為中小型企業和個體商家提供能穿透市場屏障的信息交流平台,並為他們提供相關的系列工具和應用軟件,最終幫助他們提高全球範圍的知名度並促進銷售,提升市場份額。

5. 公司的發展計劃,建立一支過硬的技術團隊,充實美西地區的運作中心,並在幾個月後在佛羅里達建立公司的客戶服務中心,並在幾個月內擴大香港辦公室,為上市作準備。Jerry 昨天還說公司會通過富有實力的管理和過硬的 IT 技術團隊 / 工作人員,會盡心盡力的工作為大家服務幫助大家壯大會員和客戶團隊,給大家提供完善的工具提高銷售發展會員為大家服務好 – 幫助成千上萬的會員成為百萬富翁,使在坐的每個人享受互聯網爆炸時代的豐碩成果!




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